5 Communication Lessons from Ed Young’s Attack on Reformed Churches.

Last week, Ed Young launched a 15 minute attack on reformed churches. It starts at about 27:36, if you’re interested:

Obviously, the rant has a few flaws. I think we can learn from these:

1. It’s easy to attack straw men.  Young talks about reformed churches that are more interested in social justice than the gospel. I think the reformed church has issues, but this isn’t one of them. If anything, reformed churches face the temptation to exclude social justice. This move severely weakens Young’s credibility to any listener who knows what Ed’s talking about.

2. Understand before seeking to be understood.  Young says that people who believe in Calvinism claim to have the “election” process figured out. What does he mean by that? Has he ever sat down and studied the doctrines of grace? Calvinism doesn’t assume it can explain God’s election. In fact, Calvinism asserts that God’s election is a Divine mystery we can’t understand. Who’s putting God in a box, here?

3. God’s word trumps pragmatism. Ed’s catchphrase about reformed theology leading to bad ecclesiology would have been fine if he’d had a biblical backing for what he had to say. But essentially his argument is: “If God were like that, people wouldn’t obey him.” How is this different than saying, “I preach a God of love who doesn’t send people to Hell, so more people will come to Christ?” Is it true that more people will be attracted to a God of love? Sure. Does that make it biblical? No.  Sure, Ed baptized more people than the church who baptized 26. But only eternity will show what kind of fruits both ministries produced.

4. You don’t win points for pleasing your own tribe. This goes for you too, YRR’s.  Young gets lots of praise for his attack on evil Calvinistic churches, but is he making any difference in the world? Is he going to change anyone’s opinions with those arguments? No – this comes across more as a pep rally than a thoughtful rebuke. We need to be cautious we don’t do the same.

5. Don’t Demonize People for Their Weaknesses.  You know, I learned a lot from Ed, here. I think he could have said some timely things to the reformed church if he had done so in a loving, understanding manner. For example, I like his phrase: “God elects them, but we nominate them.” What is sad, however, is that we’re on the same side here, and Young is doing some severe polarizing. Ed loves the gospel, apparently, and he’s passionate about seeing people saved. So why doesn’t he address the Calvinists as brothers in Christ who desire the same thing, rather than as evil sheep-stealers? I think we can both take a lesson here: I don’t want to demonize Ed Young, and I don’t think he should have demonized YRR’s.



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11 responses to “5 Communication Lessons from Ed Young’s Attack on Reformed Churches.

  1. Susan

    Wow. I am a 1.5 pt. Calvinist at the most, and probably agree with this guys underlying doctrine but I would never point anyone to him for an explanation. I don’t like it when people attack people; go after doctrine w/ scripture. I love the church we are at now, while they are Reformed (funny how Andrew and I keep planting ourselves at Reformed churches) and the Sunday school class is going thru Westminster point by point, the teacher (who is also the youth leader) points out that Calvinism doesn’t have it all figured out. They have alot of people there from other churches who are not Calvinist and they are very gracious. Hold to truth (as they understand it); use scripture and listen to others.

    • Tim

      Holding onto truth, relying on Scripture, listening to others. Great advice, Susan, for believers everywhere on the theological spectrum.


    • nmcdonal

      Susan – you’re reformed, you just don’t know it yet. God told me he predestined you to be.

      • Susan

        HAHAHA. I have one friend who tells me I am and one who tells me I am not. I think it depends on how we define Reformed. God told you huh? Hmmmm, sounds fishy.

      • nmcdonal

        Yeah, but He told me not to tell you so I probably botched his Divine plan with my free-will.

  2. Tim

    Nick, you have set a wonderful example for us all about how we can learn even from those who seem to demonize and divide.


  3. revtimbrown

    Nick, great comments.
    Ed Young was painful to watch for me. He’s totally missed the point of Reformed Theology. I wonder who he thinks are the leaders or voices?

    Posting your 5 lessons was a good approach because we all need to learn not to “sound so prophetic” amidst those who already agree with us. Our friends/fans can often let us get away with too much. What I learned from this excerpt is how NOT to preach.

    Lastly, he said a lot about skinny jeans. But I don’t trust him because he wears skinny khakis. 🙂

    • nmcdonal

      Thanks, Tim. I wondered the same thing – who, exactly, is he referring to? I have a hunch that being right next door to Matt Chandler might have something to do with it!

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